The total number of SME’s in Pakistan is 3.3 million having In Pakistan have been considered and the respondents are the Marketing Small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. Research will answer the question that how social media marketing can beĬrucial for the entrepreneurial marketing to increase the performance of

Marketing between the relationship of entrepreneurial marketing strategiesĪnd Performance of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. Objectives: The main focus of this study is to find the role of social media Findings: It is found from the results and discussion that entrepreneurial marketing strategies proactive orientation, value creation, innovativeness and customer focus plays important role in enhancing the SMEs performance in Pakistan and Social media marketing can highly be effective to implement entrepreneurial marketing strategies to improve the performance of small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. Since SEM is latest second generation tool of multivariate analysis and it has been used in this study to test the hypothesis. Discussion: Hypotheses have been tested through "Structural Equation Modeling". The 384 SME's managers were selected through Roscoe sampling method and survey instrument has randomly been distributed among the marketing managers of SMEs in Pakistan through the primary data collection mode. Roscoe 1975 technique has used for selecting sample size. The total population of study is 3.3 million. The total number of SME's in Pakistan is 3.3 million having one marketing manager. Methodology: The SMEs operating in Pakistan have been considered and the respondents are the Marketing Managers of SMEs. This research will answer the question that how social media marketing can be crucial for the entrepreneurial marketing to increase the performance of small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. Objectives: The main focus of this study is to find the role of social media marketing between the relationship of entrepreneurial marketing strategies and Performance of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. At last, E-banking moderates the relationship between (ED) and (SD).

More over emotional intelligence mediates the relationship between emotional dissonance and service delivery (SD) and reduces the negative impact of (ED) on service delivery. Results: Results indicated that emotional dissonance has significant negative impact on service delivery. For mediation analysis Baron and Kenny (1984) was used. Path analysis techniques have been applied and hypothesis tested. Method: A descriptive quantitative research design has been used data collected through adopted and modified questionnaires data has been analyzed in SPSS v20, AMOS v 20.CFA. In this situation, the role of emotional intelligence (EI) as mediator and E Baking as moderator also investigated. The difference between actual and emotions and expressed emotions is called as emotional dissonance (ED). In workplace, bankers are involved delivering service to customers for this they are emotionally involved and hide their actual emotions to fulfil the emotional requirement of their job. Banking sector employees are facing a lot of psychological problems at workplace these problems are associated with their emotions and attitudes. Thus, the role of banks and bankers in economic development of a country cannot be undermined.

Objectives: Banks, as one of the most important financial intermediaries, provide the necessary channel through which savings may be utilized as investments. Organization success is depending upon customer satisfaction and equally important to customers as well as employees. Scope: In service industries, most of the organizations many organizations are now understanding that service delivery is the key component to satisfy customer needs and wants.